For a certain fee now any stranger is ready to take off her clothes, spread her legs and suck the first man she meets. Every cute girl is weak in the face when she sees bucks in front of her. I wouldn't want to be a pickup artist because it's a risky business to fuck unknown holes. Sure you can use a condom, but rubber doesn't always save the day.
If I had a neighbor like that living in my apartment, I would give her a daily cunny, too. And I would invite my friends over to fuck her. She had such a beautiful pussy that my tongue would be drawn to it. Of course, she liked that kind of cock, so she didn't mind spreading her legs. I wouldn't have been surprised even if he had cum in her mouth - girls like that like to be used as bitches. That was a good morning!
Chic chicks, their lips are perfectly adapted to suck a man's dick! And I can tell you, their asses are also very nice! Who would refuse to put a dick in such an ass?